The Canarian health Service have now implemented a new automated outpatients check-in service at the Hospital del Sur (formerly known as El Mojon). As you can see from the photo (left) there are several machines which are located to your right as you enter by the main outpatients entrance hall of the hospital and EVERONE must now check in to confirm they have arrived for their specialist’s appointment.
If you have one of the new Canarian Health service blue cards with a bar code on the back you can put this in the machine, if you haven’t picked up yours from your local surgery yet, then you must tap DNI/NIE on the screen and enter your NIE number manually

Once you have entered your NIE number press “justificante” on the screen, the machine then issues a printed ticket with a turn number on it.
You then proceed to the correct waiting room for your appointment.
In the waiting room is a screen on the wall, when you see the turn number on your “justificante” ticket (letters and numbers) appear on that screen it will tell you which consulting room you are being called to and you can then go through to see the specialist.
After you have seen the specialist if you are instructed to make another appointment yourself and have been given a paper authorisation to do so, go back to the machines in the entry way and put in your new style card or enter your NIE manually as before, this time touch “solicitar cita previa” on the screen and you will get another ticket issued, this time with a turn number for going to the desks of the clerks making appointments. When your number appears on the screen located next to the appointment windows it will tell you which position to go to and that clerk will make your follow up appointment for you. Have your Canarian Health card and some form of picture ID with you.