Activating a New NIE number

Occasionally if a couple purchase a property together one spouse’s NIE number is used as the lead on subsequent documents and the other spouse’s number never becomes activated with the Agencia Tributaria (Tax Office), or if an individual gets an NIE number at the Extranjeria and then for whatever reasons never uses the number for anything (i.e a house or car purchase, importing anything over 150 euros, getting a job, becoming self employed etc. etc.) their number too remains unactivated.

This is easily rectified and you should take the trouble to sort it out in case you need to use the number in the future for any tax related issue.

You need to fill out a modelo 30 take care to record your tax status correctly –  resident or non-resident.

Once completed you need to present it by appointment at the Agencia tributaria – take the modelo, and your passport and NIE and a copy of each or you can authorise someone to do this on your behalf.

At The One Stop Problem Shop we can assist with this. Please get in touch using the links below if you require our assistance.

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