Registering your child for a state school in Tenerife

If your child is staring school for the first time you need to sign them up in March/April for the following September. If they are transferring from a UK school you can apply at any time (obviously not school holidays) but may have to wait for the next term to start. You must visit the school administrator of the appropriate school in your cachement area, where you will be given a list of all that is required of you. There are slight variations between areas but the basics are the same.

You need to fill out a “solicitud de plaza en centros de education infantil y primeria” enrollment form and the relegious requirements form and have the following paperwork :

1) Certificate de Empadronamiento from the Ayuntamiento that proves that you are resident at your address.

2) A photocopy of the Certificado de registro for EU Citizens and passports of both parents or the TIE for non-EU citizens and the certificado de registro or TIE of the child (if he or she is a non Spanish citizen).

3) If your child was born in Spain – Your Libro de Familia and a photocopy of the child’s page from it – or if born outside Spain the child’s birth certificate and an official translation of it.

4) If you have been living and working here prior to your child going to school then you need a Photocopy of the ‘Declaración de la Renta‘ – tax return of both parents and social security number(s).

5) If the child has brothers or sisters in the school, you need documentation from the school to prove it. This helps to arrange that siblings can all go to the same school.

6) If your child has any disabilities or chronic illnesses you will need medical documentation to support it from the relevant doctor or specialist and you will need these translated if they originate from the UK. You need to have a print out (UK) or certificate (Spain) of vaccinations.

4) “Carnet” sized photographs of each child

5) Proof of Health Care entitlement

Expect to have to pay for and obtain all text books, writing, painting materials, paper etc. unless you are lucky enough to live in an area where the local authority helps out with this. You will given a list of what your child is expected to have.

At The One Stop Problem Shop we can assist with registering your child in school. Please get in touch using the links below if you require our assistance.

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